Mastering SVG: How to Change Attributes using the SVG-React Library
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Mastering SVG: How to Change Attributes using the SVG-React Library

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Are you tired of dealing with static SVGs that can’t be easily manipulated? Do you want to unleash the full power of SVGs in your React applications? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to change attributes using the SVG-React library, and take your SVG game to the next level.

What is SVG-React?

SVG-React is a popular library that allows you to use SVGs as React components. It provides a simple and intuitive way to create, manipulate, and interact with SVGs in your React applications. With SVG-React, you can dynamically change attributes, update SVG elements, and even animate your SVGs.

Why Change Attributes?

Changing attributes is a fundamental aspect of working with SVGs. By modifying attributes, you can:

  • Update the appearance of your SVGs in response to user interactions
  • Dynamicly change the size, color, and shape of your SVGs
  • Implement complex animations and transitions
  • Enhance the accessibility of your SVGs by adding tooltips, labels, and descriptions


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of changing attributes, make sure you have:

  • A basic understanding of React and JSX
  • Familiarity with SVG elements and attributes
  • The SVG-React library installed in your project (npm install svg-react or yarn add svg-react)

Changing Attributes with SVG-React

Now, let’s get started with changing attributes using SVG-React. We’ll cover the most common attributes and show you how to update them dynamically.

Changing Fill and Stroke Colors

To change the fill and stroke colors of an SVG element, you can use the fill and stroke attributes. Here’s an example:

import React from 'react';
import { Svg, Path } from 'svg-react';

const MySvg = () => {
  const [fillColor, setFillColor] = React.useState('blue');
  const [strokeColor, setStrokeColor] = React.useState('red');

  return (
    <Svg width="100" height="100">
        d="M 10 10 L 90 90 Z"
      <button onClick={() => setFillColor('green')}>Change Fill Color</button>
      <button onClick={() => setStrokeColor('yellow')}>Change Stroke Color</button>

In this example, we’re using the useState hook to store the fill and stroke colors in state variables. We then pass these variables as props to the fill and stroke attributes of the Path element. When the user clicks the buttons, the colors are updated dynamically.

Changing SVG Size and Position

To change the size and position of an SVG element, you can use the width, height, x, and y attributes. Here’s an example:

import React from 'react';
import { Svg, Rect } from 'svg-react';

const MySvg = () => {
  const [width, setWidth] = React.useState(100);
  const [height, setHeight] = React.useState(100);
  const [x, setX] = React.useState(10);
  const [y, setY] = React.useState(10);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setWidth(width + 10)}>Increase Width</button>
      <button onClick={() => setHeight(height + 10)}>Increase Height</button>
      <button onClick={() => setX(x + 10)}>Move Right</button>
      <button onClick={() => setY(y + 10)}>Move Down</button>

In this example, we’re using the useState hook to store the width, height, x, and y coordinates in state variables. We then pass these variables as props to the corresponding attributes of the Rect element. When the user clicks the buttons, the size and position of the rectangle are updated dynamically.

Changing SVG Text

To change the text content of an SVG element, you can use the text attribute. Here’s an example:

import React from 'react';
import { Svg, Text } from 'svg-react';

const MySvg = () => {
  const [textContent, setTextContent] = React.useState('Hello, World!');

  return (
    <Svg width="200" height="50">
      <button onClick={() => setTextContent('New Text!')}>Change Text</button>

In this example, we’re using the useState hook to store the text content in a state variable. We then pass this variable as a prop to the textContent attribute of the Text element. When the user clicks the button, the text content is updated dynamically.

Changing SVG Animation

To change the animation of an SVG element, you can use the animate attribute. Here’s an example:

import React from 'react';
import { Svg, Circle, Animate } from 'svg-react';

const MySvg = () => {
  const [animationDuration, setAnimationDuration] = React.useState(1000);

  return (
    <Svg width="100" height="100">
      <button onClick={() => setAnimationDuration(animationDuration + 100)}>Increase Animation Duration</button>

In this example, we’re using the useState hook to store the animation duration in a state variable. We then pass this variable as a prop to the dur attribute of the Animate element. When the user clicks the button, the animation duration is updated dynamically.

Common SVG Attributes

Here’s a table of common SVG attributes and their uses:

Attribute Description
fill Specifies the fill color of an SVG element
stroke Specifies the stroke color of an SVG element
width Specifies the width of an SVG element
height Specifies the height of an SVG element
x Specifies the x-coordinate of an SVG element
y Specifies the y-coordinate of an SVG element
textContent Specifies the text content of an SVG element
animate Specifies the animation of an SVG element


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of changing attributes using the SVG-React library. We’ve shown you how to update fill and stroke colors, change SVG size and position, modify text content, and even animate your SVGHere is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “how change attributes using svg-react library” with a creative tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of SVG-React and master the art of attribute manipulation!

How do I change the fill color of an SVG element using SVG-React?

Easy peasy! To change the fill color of an SVG element, you can simply pass a `fill` prop to the corresponding component. For example, if you want to change the fill color of a `Circle` component, you can do something like this: ``. Voilà!

Can I update the stroke width of an SVG element dynamically using SVG-React?

Absolutely! To update the stroke width of an SVG element dynamically, you can pass a `strokeWidth` prop to the corresponding component and update its value accordingly. For example, if you want to update the stroke width of a `Line` component, you can do something like this: ``. Just make sure to update the state variable `lineWidth` to see the changes in action!

How do I change the transform attribute of an SVG element using SVG-React?

Piece of cake! To change the transform attribute of an SVG element, you can pass a `transform` prop to the corresponding component. For example, if you want to translate an `Rect` component, you can do something like this: ``. You can also use other transform functions like `scale`, `rotate`, and `skew` to achieve the desired effect!

Can I animate the attributes of an SVG element using SVG-React?

You bet! SVG-React provides a `Animated` component that allows you to animate the attributes of an SVG element over time. You can use the ` Animated` component to create smooth transitions, fades, and other cool effects. For example, you can animate the `fill` attribute of a `Circle` component like this: ``. Just make sure to update the state variable `fill` to trigger the animation!

How do I change the xlink:href attribute of an SVG element using SVG-React?

No problem! To change the `xlink:href` attribute of an SVG element, you can pass an `href` prop to the corresponding component. For example, if you want to update the `xlink:href` attribute of a `Use` component, you can do something like this: ``. Just make sure to update the state variable `href` to see the changes in action!

I hope this helps!