Workaround for Mapping Apex Domain Names to CloudFront Distributions: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Workaround for Mapping Apex Domain Names to CloudFront Distributions: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the limitations of CloudFront distributions and apex domain names? Well, you’re in luck because this article provides a comprehensive workaround to help you overcome this obstacle. Buckle up, folks, and get ready to dive into the world of domain mapping and content delivery networks!

What’s the Problem with Apex Domain Names and CloudFront?

By default, CloudFront distributions don’t support apex domain names, which can be a major roadblock for websites that rely on a single, memorable domain name. Apex domain names, also known as root domain names or naked domain names, are domain names without a subdomain (e.g., CloudFront distributions, on the other hand, require a subdomain to function properly.

This limitation means that if you want to serve your website’s content from a CloudFront distribution using an apex domain name, you’ll encounter issues with routing and DNS resolution. But fear not, dear reader, because we’ve got a clever workaround to share with you!

The Workaround: Using an Alias Record and a Subdomain

To map an apex domain name to a CloudFront distribution, we’ll employ a sneaky tactic involving an alias record and a subdomain. Don’t worry if this sounds like gibberish; we’ll break it down into manageable chunks.

Step 1: Create a Subdomain

Create a subdomain that will serve as the entry point for your CloudFront distribution. For example, if your apex domain name is, you can create a subdomain like This subdomain will be used to route traffic to your CloudFront distribution. will become the new domain name for your CloudFront distribution.

Step 2: Create an Alias Record

An alias record, also known as a CNAME record, is a DNS record that maps an alias or alternate name to the original domain name. We’ll create an alias record that points the apex domain name ( to the subdomain (

Here’s an example of what the alias record might look like: IN CNAME

This alias record tells DNS resolvers to route traffic from to Easy peasy!

Step 3: Update Your CloudFront Distribution

Update your CloudFront distribution to use the new subdomain ( as the alternate domain name (CNAME). This will allow CloudFront to recognize and respond to requests from the subdomain.

Log in to the AWS Management Console, navigate to your CloudFront distribution, and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Edit” button next to “General”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)” section.
  3. Click on the “Edit” button next to “Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)”.
  4. Enter the subdomain ( in the “Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs)” field.
  5. Click “Save Changes”.

Step 4: Verify Your Setup

Verify that your setup is working correctly by testing your website with the apex domain name. If everything is configured correctly, your website should load properly, and you should see the CloudFront distribution in action.

Use tools like dig or nslookup to verify that the alias record is resolving correctly:

dig +short

This should output the subdomain (, indicating that the alias record is working as expected.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the best-laid plans, issues can still arise. Here are some common problems you might encounter and their solutions:

Issue Solution
CloudFront distribution not responding to requests Verify that the CloudFront distribution is configured to use the correct alternate domain name (CNAME) and that the alias record is resolving correctly.
DNS resolution issues Check that the DNS provider is correctly configured and that the alias record is propagating correctly. You can use tools like dig or nslookup to verify DNS resolution.
SSL/TLS certificate issues Ensure that the SSL/TLS certificate is correctly configured for the subdomain ( and that CloudFront is using the correct certificate.


And there you have it, folks! With this clever workaround, you can now map your apex domain name to a CloudFront distribution. Remember to update your DNS provider with the alias record, configure your CloudFront distribution to use the subdomain, and test your setup thoroughly.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to serve your website’s content from a CloudFront distribution using your desired apex domain name. Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues!

Additional Resources

For more information on CloudFront distributions, apex domain names, and DNS resolution, check out these resources:

Now, go forth and conquer the world of content delivery networks and apex domain names!Here are the 5 Q&A about “Workaround for mapping apex domain names to Cloudfront distributions”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know the ins and outs of mapping apex domain names to Cloudfront distributions! Check out these frequently asked questions and their answers to become an expert in no time!

What is the challenge in mapping apex domain names to Cloudfront distributions?

The challenge lies in the fact that CloudFront distributions require a subdomain (e.g., to be associated with an SSL certificate, whereas apex domains (e.g., cannot be used directly. This is because SSL certificates are issued for specific domain names, and wildcard certificates don’t cover apex domains.

What is the workaround for mapping apex domain names to Cloudfront distributions?

The workaround involves creating an alias record set in Amazon Route 53 that routes traffic from the apex domain to a subdomain associated with the CloudFront distribution. This subdomain can then be used to obtain an SSL certificate, enabling SSL/TLS encryption for the apex domain.

Do I need to create a new CloudFront distribution for each apex domain?

No, you don’t need to create a new CloudFront distribution for each apex domain. You can use a single CloudFront distribution and associate multiple apex domains with it using the alias record set in Route 53.

Can I use this workaround for multiple apex domains with different SSL certificates?

Yes, you can use this workaround for multiple apex domains with different SSL certificates. You’ll need to create separate subdomains for each apex domain and obtain an SSL certificate for each subdomain. Then, create an alias record set in Route 53 for each apex domain to route traffic to the corresponding subdomain.

Are there any performance implications when using this workaround?

There should be no significant performance implications when using this workaround, as the alias record set in Route 53 simply redirects traffic from the apex domain to the subdomain. However, you should ensure that your DNS provider and CloudFront distribution are properly configured to handle the increased traffic.