How to Change the Content of a NavigationView (Lepoco WPFUI)
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How to Change the Content of a NavigationView (Lepoco WPFUI)

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NavigationView is a control in Lepoco WPFUI that provides a hierarchical navigation experience. However, modifying its content can be a bit tricky. In this article, we will explore how to change the content of a NavigationView in Lepoco WPFUI.

Understanding the NavigationView Structure

A NavigationView consists of a NavigationMenu and a Frame that hosts the navigation content. The NavigationMenu is a hierarchical collection of MenuItems, and the Frame contains the content that is displayed when a MenuItem is selected.

Accessing the NavigationView’s Content

To change the content of a NavigationView, you need to access the Frame’s Content property. You can do this using the following code:

NavigationView navigationView = ...;
Frame frame = navigationView.Content as Frame;

Changing the Content of a NavigationView

Once you have access to the Frame’s Content property, you can modify it to display new content. Here are a few examples:

Example 1: Displaying a New Page

You can create a new Page instance and set it as the Content of the Frame:

frame.Content = new MyNewPage();

Example 2: Displaying a UserControl

You can create a new UserControl instance and set it as the Content of the Frame:

frame.Content = new MyUserControl();

Example 3: Displaying a String

You can create a new TextBlock instance and set its Text property to the desired string, then set it as the Content of the Frame:

TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock { Text = "New Content" };
frame.Content = textBlock;


In this article, we have demonstrated how to change the content of a NavigationView in Lepoco WPFUI. By accessing the Frame’s Content property, you can modify the content displayed in the NavigationView to suit your application’s needs.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to navigate through the world of Lepoco WPFUI NavigationView!

What is the simplest way to change the content of a NavigationView in Lepoco WPFUI?

You can change the content of a NavigationView by setting the `Content` property of the NavigationView to a new value. For example, `myNavigationView.Content = new MyNewPage();`. This will replace the current content with the new one.

How do I change the navigation menu items in a NavigationView at runtime?

You can change the navigation menu items by modifying the `MenuItems` collection of the NavigationView. For example, `myNavigationView.MenuItems.Add(new NavigationViewItem { Content = “New Item” });` or `myNavigationView.MenuItems.Remove(myOldItem);`. This way, you can dynamically add or remove menu items as needed.

Can I change the content of a NavigationView from a ViewModel?

Yes, you can change the content of a NavigationView from a ViewModel by using data binding. You can bind the `Content` property of the NavigationView to a property on your ViewModel, and then update that property to change the content. For example, `` and then `CurrentPage = new MyNewPage();` in your ViewModel.

How do I navigate to a new page in a NavigationView programmatically?

You can navigate to a new page in a NavigationView by using the `Navigate` method. For example, `myNavigationView.Navigate(typeof(MyNewPage));`. This will navigate to the specified page.

What is the best practice for changing the content of a NavigationView in a MVVM application?

In a MVVM application, it’s best to use data binding to change the content of a NavigationView. This way, you can keep the logic of changing the content in your ViewModel, and the View will be updated automatically. You can also use a navigation service to handle navigation between pages.

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