Unleashing the Power of Runtime/Dynamic Spring Security Filter Chain Creation
Image by Marchery - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Runtime/Dynamic Spring Security Filter Chain Creation

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For many developers, Spring Security is the go-to framework for securing their web applications. And why not? It provides a robust and flexible way to manage access control, authentication, and authorization. However, one of the most powerful and often underutilized features of Spring Security is its ability to create filter chains dynamically at runtime. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation, exploring the benefits, implementation, and best practices for this powerful technique.

What is Runtime/Dynamic Spring Security Filter Chain Creation?

Before we dive into the implementation details, let’s take a step back and understand what runtime/dynamic filter chain creation is. In traditional Spring Security configuration, the filter chain is defined statically in the configuration file (e.g., `security-config.xml` or `SecurityConfig.java`). This means that the filter chain is fixed and cannot be changed at runtime.

However, with runtime/dynamic filter chain creation, you can create and modify the filter chain at runtime, based on specific conditions or requirements. This approach provides unparalleled flexibility and power, allowing you to adapt your security configuration to changing circumstances.

Benefits of Runtime/Dynamic Filter Chain Creation

So, why would you want to create filter chains dynamically at runtime? Here are just a few benefits:

  • Fine-grained control**: With dynamic filter chain creation, you can apply specific security filters to specific requests or users, providing fine-grained control over access control and authentication.
  • Improved security**: By creating filter chains dynamically, you can respond to changing security threats and requirements, ensuring your application remains secure and protected.
  • Enhanced flexibility**: Dynamic filter chain creation allows you to adapt your security configuration to changing business requirements, user roles, or application functionality.

Implementation: Creating a Dynamic Filter Chain

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s dive into the implementation details. To create a dynamic filter chain, you’ll need to:

  1. Create a custom `SecurityFilterChain` bean.
  2. Implement a `SecurityFilterChainFactory` to create the filter chain.
  3. Configure the `SecurityFilterChain` bean to use the factory.

Step 1: Create a Custom `SecurityFilterChain` Bean

Create a new Java class that implements the `SecurityFilterChain` interface:

import org.springframework.security.web.SecurityFilterChain;

public class CustomSecurityFilterChain implements SecurityFilterChain {
    private List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addFilter(Filter filter) {

    public List<Filter> getFilters() {
        return filters;

Step 2: Implement a `SecurityFilterChainFactory`

Create a new Java class that implements the `SecurityFilterChainFactory` interface:

import org.springframework.security.web.SecurityFilterChainFactory;

public class CustomSecurityFilterChainFactory implements SecurityFilterChainFactory {
    public SecurityFilterChain createFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) {
        CustomSecurityFilterChain filterChain = new CustomSecurityFilterChain();

        // Add filters dynamically based on conditions or requirements
        if (// some condition) {
            filterChain.addFilter(new MyCustomFilter());
        } else {
            filterChain.addFilter(new AnotherFilter());

        return filterChain;

Step 3: Configure the `SecurityFilterChain` Bean

Configure the `SecurityFilterChain` bean to use the custom factory:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.SecurityConfigurerAdapter;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurityBuilder;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.EnableWebSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configurers.SecurityContextConfigurer;

public class SecurityConfig extends SecurityConfigurerAdapter<HttpSecurity> {
    public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        http.securityContextConfigurer(new CustomSecurityFilterChainFactory());

Best Practices for Dynamic Filter Chain Creation

While dynamic filter chain creation provides unparalleled flexibility, it also introduces new challenges. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple**: Avoid over-engineering your dynamic filter chain creation logic. Keep it simple, focused, and easy to maintain.
  • Test thoroughly**: Thoroughly test your dynamic filter chain creation logic to ensure it works as expected.
  • Monitor and log**: Monitor and log your dynamic filter chain creation process to detect and respond to errors or security incidents.
  • Secure by default**: Ensure that your dynamic filter chain creation process defaults to a secure configuration, with filters enabled by default.


Runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation is a powerful technique that provides unparalleled flexibility and control over your application’s security configuration. By following the implementation steps and best practices outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of dynamic filter chain creation, securing your application and adapting to changing requirements.


Can I use dynamic filter chain creation with Spring Boot? Yes, dynamic filter chain creation is fully compatible with Spring Boot.
How do I debug dynamic filter chain creation issues? Enable DEBUG logging for the `org.springframework.security` package to debug dynamic filter chain creation issues.
Can I use dynamic filter chain creation with OAuth2? Yes, dynamic filter chain creation can be used in conjunction with OAuth2 to provide fine-grained control over resource access.

By mastering runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation, you’ll be able to create highly secure, adaptable, and scalable applications that meet the evolving needs of your users and business requirements.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Runtime/Dynamic Spring Security Filter Chain creation” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation with these frequently asked questions!

What is runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation?

Runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation is a feature that allows you to dynamically create and register security filters at runtime, rather than defining them statically in the application configuration. This provides greater flexibility and customization options for securing your application.

How does runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation work?

Spring Security provides an API for creating and registering filters dynamically at runtime. This can be achieved through the use of a `FilterChainProxy` bean, which allows you to add or remove filters programmatically. The filters are then applied to specific URL patterns or request attributes, enabling fine-grained control over security configuration.

What are the benefits of runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation?

The benefits of runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation include increased flexibility, improved security, and reduced maintenance efforts. By dynamically creating and registering filters, you can respond to changing security requirements and adapt to new threats in real-time, without requiring a full application restart.

Can I use runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation with OAuth 2.0?

Yes, you can use runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation with OAuth 2.0. In fact, this approach is particularly well-suited for OAuth 2.0 scenarios, where dynamic client registrations and token validation require flexible security configurations. By combining OAuth 2.0 with runtime filter chain creation, you can implement robust and adaptive security mechanisms for your application.

Are there any performance implications of using runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation?

While runtime/dynamic Spring Security filter chain creation provides significant benefits, it may introduce some performance overhead due to the dynamic registration and filtering of requests. However, the impact can be minimized by using caching mechanisms, optimizing filter chain configuration, and leveraging Spring Security’s built-in performance optimizations.

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